Install the app on your iPhone or Apple device

To install the iOS app via the Apple Store, please search for an app called Daily Studies About Parenthood on the App Store, or click the logo below.

  • This app was developed for iOS 7 to iOS 16. Please note that if you are using the latest version (iOS 17) that was recently released, you may encounter issues with notifications.

Install the app on your Android phone or device

To install apps via the Google Play Store, click the logo below to download a test version of the app.

  • This is the easiest method, but if it doesn't work, you can install it manually. Please note that this app targets Android 13 (API 33). If you are using the latest version (Android 14), you may encounter issues with notifications.
  • Install Android app manually

Installing the Android app manually

  1. To install apps manually outside of the Google Play Store, you will need to change your Security Settings to allow installation from "Unknown Sources".
  2. Begin by downloading the Package (.apk) file below. When you open it, click on Settings to install unknown apps.
  3. You may see a message that says Unsafe app blocked: Apps from unknown developers can sometimes be unsafe. Click More details and Install anyway.

See screenshots here for detailed instructions. If you need help installing the app, feel free to contact us.

Help! Something went wrong

  1. During setup, I clicked 'test notifications' but did not receive a notification.
    You may encounter this problem if you're using iOS 17 or Android 14. Please go to your App Settings and make sure that the app has permission to send notifications. If not, manually enable it. If you are using Android 14, you may ALSO need to scroll down and give the app permission to schedule exact alarms. Once you know the app has permissions to send notifications, please wait a day or two to see if you get survey notifications. If not, please contact us.
  2. My data isn't uploading to the server.
    Check that you have WiFi or cellular data connectivity and wait for your responses to upload. If the upload times out, please wait until you have reliable access to Wifi or cellular data before trying again.
  3. I entered the wrong Survey Matcher ID code and want to start again.
    If you entered your 7-character anonymous ID code incorrectly (e.g., ABC01DE), please clear the cache/storage of your app (or uninstall and reinstall the app) to start the setup process again.
  4. When I start the app, I just get a blank screen.
    If you encounter this rare issue, try clearing your app cache/storage, or uninstalling and reinstalling the app again to see if it fixes the problem. If it persists, please contact us and provide some information about your phone, like what version your device is running.

What if I have more questions?

If you have questions about the study, please feel free to contact us anytime at our lab email account. We typically respond within 1-3 business days. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may submit your inquiry using our Chat Support Portal.